Helpston Preschool Newsletter 29th April – 3rd May

Our adventures at the Playhouse this week…
We have created beautiful Spring crowns, vibrant rainbows and planted wild flower seeds in our garden.
The weather has started to warm up, please apply sun cream in the morning and we will re-apply after lunch if it is needed. We understand mornings can be extremely busy for you, but it is your responsibility to apply sun cream in the morning. Thank you.
Please remember a sun hat, please ensure it is named. Please get in touch if you would like a meeting with your Childs Key Worker. We would love for you to add a comment to your Child’s Tapestry report and sign.  
Please don’t forget to bring in your Library book back to swop.

Things we will be doing….
Looking at animals that are born is spring.
Creating a blossom tree, sewing, and planting our Sunflower seeds.
We will be sharing how to cross the road safely and discussing how to be safe through holding an adult’s hand!

Here is a link to help you with your child’s transition to school … School Ready        
S – shoes, socks and put on clothes
T – talking, sharing, and following instructions
A – asking for help
R – ready to try different foods and use different tools
T – toilet on their own

Parents WhatsApp Group  

If you would like to join our Parents WhatsApp group, please get in touch. And we will pass on your details to Claire- Committee member.

John Clare Staff Car Park – Parents, Carers, Grandparents & Visitors

We are only permitted to use the John Clare Staff Car park as follows;
Between 7.30am and 8.00am
After 4.00pm