Helpston Playhouse Committee

Charity number: 1024507

Helpston Playhouse is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation.

The Playhouse is governed by a Committee of volunteer mums and dads.

We ensure that the preschool operates efficiently and according to our constitution. In order for the Playhouse to remain open, the committee must always have a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer.

We discuss and vote on decisions for the Playhouse and Out of School Club, such as allocating funding to provide experiences including visits from Zoo lab, hatching chicks, dancing and sports sessions – things which other settings charge parents extra for.

We make policy decisions assigned to assist us with achieving the aim of becoming an Outstanding setting, to ensure our children get the best start to their education.

It is the Committee’s responsibility to support, guide and lead the staff team. We are responsible for recruitment, staff training opportunities, development, paying salaries and managing contracts of employment.

We protect the organisation and those who work within it.

Being part of the Committee is both enjoyable and rewarding! Individuals bring various skills, talents, expertise and ideas, and in return, new skills in areas such as management, marketing and recruitment can be gained.

We are always open to new members! If you would like to volunteer with us, make some orange squash or wrap raffle prizes, please let us know – you will be most welcome!