Helpston Preschool Newsletter 13th- 17th May 2024

By May 17, 2024 Uncategorized No Comments

Our adventures at the Playhouse this week…

This week we still embraced the rain so please remember a raincoat and wellies, especially with the weather being so changeable.
On our bug hunt we found slugs, worms, snails, and a big surprise … a frog jumped out. As you can imagine we were all super excited and watched it until it hopped away.
We experimented with water colours using pipets and water colours. The parachute was super fun, we pretended the balls were popcorn.
Please remember to apply sun cream & bring in a ‘named’ sun hat. Please don’t forget to bring in your Library book back to swop.

Things we will be doing….

Next week we will be building a den. We will be creating a 3-D beehive and we will learn about how the bees make honey.

We need your Help for Helpstonbury !!

The Playhouse are supporting Helpstonbury again this year and we would be very grateful if you could help us by bringing in wrapped sweets for our very popular Sweetie Jar Tombola and return it to pre-school staff by Friday 14th June 2024.
We also need items for the ‘adult’ tombola, for example, wine, smellies etc..
 Many thanks for your help, it is greatly appreciated.

Here is a link to help you with your child’s transition to school … School Ready            
S – shoes, socks and put on clothes
T – talking, sharing, and following instructions
A – asking for help
R – ready to try different foods and use different tools
T – toilet on their own

Any Old Boxes?? 

If you have any old boxes, you do not need, please feel free to bring them in …they would be fantastic to help create our beehive. Thank you!