Helpston Playhouse – Weekly Update 11th March 2022

By March 16, 2022 Uncategorized No Comments

Dear Parents / Carers

Playhouse Activities This Week –
Wow, the chicks have grown so much, and it has been amazing opportunity for the children to hold, feed and care for them. Some were lucky enough to catch the moment of them coming into the world. We have had the older children from school remembering when they were in preschool and their memories from having the chicks. It’s lovely to think how this moment will stay with them. Sadly, they leave us today but on a brighter note you’ll be happy to know they are going to live on a farm.

We have also been painting chicks, please take a look at the display board in the playhouse. There is an array of wonderful chicks which the children have painted.

The sun has definitely been a bonus, it’s been fantastic playing outside with lots of role play. At the moment, they are loving pretending to be in space and avoiding the meteors that are flying around. On Wednesday we had sport with Richard; The children had to use the cone to catch their ice cream! The children confidently asked one another which flavour ‘would you like’ and swapped over, this was building on their sharing and taking turns! And today, they’ve been busy dancing with Poppy.

Forest School – In Forest School this week we have been talking about the weather changing and how spring is on it’s way. We shared our experiences and knowledge. We went on a herb hunt around the garden and then made our own spring tea. There were lots of different colours and smells. We looked at sizes and compared leaves, also looking at how some herbs float and how some sink. We shared and took turns with the jugs and kettles to scoop and pour our amazing tea!

Playhouse Activities Next Week –
This week the children Next Friday is Red Nose Day. please send a donation in, any amount is very gratefully received. We will talk about how raising money can help people less fortunate than ourselves. Wear something red and we will be creating robots to go with the red nose theme.

We hope to get our giant paint rollers out, with this in mind please send your children in old clothes. They love to get messy and involved and unfortunately, we cannot guarantee their clothes won’t get stained.

Photograph Frames – Do you have any old photograph frames you no longer need? If you do, please can you bring them in, we need them for our ‘Family Photo’s’ display. Any size, any colour, we really don’t mind! Thank you.

Playhouse Gates – Don’t forget to press the buzzer so that we can let you in. Please can you also remind grandparents. Thank you.

Any help? – Please do not hesitate to speak to staff if you have any concerns or would just like a catch up, we are always available.

Have a lovely weekend!

Kind regards
The Playhouse Team