Helpston Playhouse – Weekly Update 15th November 2019

By November 15, 2019 News No Comments

Dear Parents / Carers

Please find below this week’s Weekly Update!

Letter of the Week – Our chosen letter for our next session is ‘r’! Please can your child bring in an item which has an ‘r’.

Makaton – Our chosen sign will be ‘bus’.

Playhouse Activities This Week – This week we have investigated some more planets. We created our earth by painting it with our feet .. we had loads of laughter, it was great fun. We harvested our apples and we observed the sizes and how they grow. We’ve made biscuits. We’ve also practised our cutting skills with Colin the Crocodile. The Christmas Carols will be making their way home, please can you practice these with your child.

Forest School This Week This week we explored Autumn with a story about kindness. We looked at the changing colours. The children had a fabulous freeflow session with conkers, stones and cones .. using pipes and making bridges!

Playhouse Activities Next Session – Next week we be thinking about our feelings and how to be a kind friend.

Children in Need – Thank you to everyone who has kindly donated to Children in Need.

Class Fundraising – Xmas Gifts and cards. Please ensure all order forms are completed and returned to us on Monday 18th November. You will need to make your payment for your order by BACS into our bank account, please use your ‘child’s name’ and ‘Class’ as your reference. If we have not received payment by the 18th November, your order WILL NOT be placed. There are NO exceptions.

Mobile Phones – Just a gentle reminder that mobile phones are not to be used on the Playhouse premises. This is to ensure we all comply with our safeguarding and Playhouse policies.

Playhouse Xmas Book Party – Please don’t forget to take a look at our online party – there are some great Christmas offers. There are books for all ages including home learning!! You can buy online or pick up an Order Envelope from the Playhouse.

Have a lovely weekend!
Kind regards
The Playhouse Team