Helpston Playhouse – Weekly Update 3rd February 2017

By February 3, 2017 News No Comments

Dear Parents / Carers

Please find below this week’s Weekly Update!

Letter of the Week – Our chosen letter for our next session will be ‘f’. Please can your child bring in an item which has an ‘f’!

Playhouse Activities This Week – This week we’ve continued with a police theme, the children have been busy with role play, we’ve had a crime investigation scene and they’ve made their own police badges. We’ve been cooking and measuring ingredients to make cakes. We’ve continued with hibernation and have taken a look at snakes, the children were more excited than the staff! We’ve also been planting bulbs and will watch them grow over the next few months!

Playhouse Activities Next Sessions – The children enjoyed the snakes so much we’ll continue with this theme next week! We are also going to take a look at Road safety, being safe and staying close to our parents, this topic has been highlighted this week, please see below.

Safety in the School grounds – Please can you encourage your children to be safe in the school grounds and hold their hands &/or ensure they stay close to you, particularly if they are on their scooters! The path slopes towards the road and we know that cars sometimes pull into the school car park a little too quickly. We will reinforce this message through our learning next week.

Coffee Morning & Afternoon Thank you to all of you who attended our Coffee Morning and Afternoon, we hope you had fun!

Family Bingo Please see the attached flyer for further details, tickets are selling fast for this very popular event!

Have a lovely weekend!

Kind regards

The Playhouse Team