Dear Parents / Carers This Week in the OOSC – This week we have had a fun week carving out pumpkins and making mummies, bats and ghosts. On Thursday we…
Dear Parents / Carers Please find below this week’s Weekly Update! Letter of the Week – Our chosen letter for our next session is ‘e’! Please can your child bring…
Dear Parents / Carers Please find below this week’s Weekly Update! Letter of the Week – Our chosen letter for our next session is ‘n’! Please can your child bring…
Dear Parents / Carers This Week in the OOSC – This week we have had a great week with our Forest school. We’ve made some great pictures using natural resources,…
Dear Parents / Carers This Week in the OOSC – This week we have carried out some great first aid! The children worked in teams to asses and treat patients….