Dear Parents / Carers This Week in the OOSC – Please find below comments from some of the children at the OOSC! (these were included on our email direct to…
Dear Parents / Carers Please find below this week’s Weekly Update! Letter of the Week – Our chosen letter for our next session is ‘b’! Please can your child bring…
Dear Parents / Carers This Week in the OOSC – Please find below comments from some of the children at the OOSC! (on the update sent to parents we included…
Dear Parents / Carers Please find below this week’s Weekly Update! Letter of the Week – Our chosen letter for our next session is ‘f’! Please can your child bring…
Dear Parents / Carers Welcome back and we hope everyone had a lovely Christmas. Wishing you lots of good energy and luck for the New Year! Please find below this…