Dear Parents / Carers This Week in the OOSC – This week we made some heart biscuits. We decorated them, wrapped them in cellophane and tied with ribbon. They looked…
Dear Parents / Carers Please find below this week’s Weekly Update! Letter of the Week – Our chosen letter for our next session is ‘z’! Please can your child bring…
Dear Parents / Carers This Week in the OOSC – This week we had Homemade Soup Day & we made our tomato soup and bread. We had this for our…
Dear Parents / Carers This Week in the OOSC – On Monday we celebrated Chinese New Year and enjoyed noodles with sweet and sour sauce. We use chopsticks to eat…
Dear Parents / Carers Please find below this week’s Weekly Update! Letter of the Week – Our chosen letter for our next session is ‘j’! Please can your child bring…