Helpston Playhouse – Weekly Update 3rd March 2023

By March 3, 2023 Uncategorized No Comments

Dear Parents / Carers

Playhouse Activities This Week – We have been looking at Animals and what the baby animals are called. The children worked really hard cutting and matching the animals together. Fairytale lotto was great fun with all the children joining in with the repeated verses from the famous books. With the cold days we made a cosy base using blankets and a tunnel, we used torches to see in the day. It did get very excitable  .

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. Wow! The costumes were fantastic, thank you everyone for making such effort. We had lots of conversation about our favourite stories. Rosanna came as the Tiger from the Tiger Who Came to Tea, Rachel was Winnie from Room on the Broom, Yvonne came as Mr Bump and Lucy was a ladybird from What the Ladybird Heard.
Forest School – This This week in forest school we explored what lives in the soil in our garden.  The children were excited to dig and find out.  We talked about what we might find, and the children knew there may be some worms and we talked about how worms are good for the soil.   The children had fun searching through the soil, using their magnifying glasses to find any tiny insects.  The children found mostly worms but also some centipedes and a snail shell.  The children knew to be careful when putting the soil back and they enjoyed listening to the story of Superworm.

Playhouse Activities Next Week – Next week we are creating things for our display board about animals. We will be baking biscuits, learning the process and looking at where the ingredients comes from.

Dates for your Diary – Here are details of ley dates for your diary:
Friday 17th March – Red Nose Day for Comic Relief. Wear something red and donate to this great charity!

Ark Farm Visit to the Playhouse –
On Thursday 18th May  we are lucky enough to be having a visit from some furry and spiky friends. If your child doesn’t attend on this day, you are more than welcome to come in with your child at 10.30am for a 30-minute session to see and stroke the animals. For the children already in Preschool, they will be attending in small groups to ensure that neither the children or the animals are overwhelmed. We will be meeting rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs, hedgehogs, tortoise and a few more friends.

Reminder: Holiday Plans – If you are planning a holiday or just going away for a few days, please can you let us know. Many thanks.

Reminder: Change in Circumstances – If any of your personal or family circumstances change, please don’t hesitate to let us know so that we can help and support your child.

Any help? – Please do not hesitate to speak to staff if you have any concerns or would just like a catch up, we are always available.

Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards
The Playhouse Team