Our adventures at the Playhouse this week…
This week, our beautiful chicks have been lively and very noisy! The children have enjoyed watching them grow and were sad to see them leave.
The children celebrated Pancake Day on Tuesday, we had pancakes for our snack, the children chose and spread their own toppings. The children took part in pancake tossing outside, it was great fun with some pancakes being tossed onto their own faces!
The children have also been busy making their own sandwiches!
On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day; thank you for sharing your lovely costumes. The children talked about their favourite books and characters.
We also read Fox in Socks, Dr Seuss.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Next week …
Letter of the week: G
Coming up next week … our theme will be Jack & The Beanstalk. We will continue to make sandwiches to make sure that every child participates in this activity.
It’s going to be another exciting and fun filled week!
Reminders … Safeguarding & The Gate ….
Sorry to keep repeating ourselves, please inform any family members or friends who are picking up to close the gate behind them and not leave it open for others. Thank you.
Safeguarding is a shared responsibility, and we appreciate your cooperation.