Helpston Preschool Newsletter 6th September 2024

By September 6, 2024 Uncategorized No Comments

Our adventures at the Playhouse this week…
Welcome back and we hope you all had a wonderful summer! With the change in weather, please ensure that there is warm and waterproof clothing, put a selection of clothing in your child’s bag for any eventuality.
Don’t forget to name your child’s items, it makes it a great deal easier to get any missing items back to the rightful owner.  
We will be sending library books home next week, please remember to bring them back weekly, and swop for a new one.

Things we will be doing over the term …
Learning nursery rhymes
Topics book: Goldie Locks and the Three Bears/Hungry Caterpillar/Handas Surprise and Jack and the Beanstalk
Halloween fun

Please could we remind you to close the gate behind you, it is essential that every person is monitored coming into the Playhouse.