Helpston Preschool Newsletter 24th – 28th June 2024

By June 28, 2024 Uncategorized No Comments

Our adventures at the Playhouse this week…
The weather has been beautiful again this week, we’ve enjoyed our time outside and have tried to stay cool!  We have had lots of water play too! We have been baking cakes which we will carry on next week for all children to have an opportunity to make them.
We have also made a bug hotel and we have been woodworking. The children have been planting herbs and lettuces and we will be looking after these whilst they grow.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Things we will be doing next week ….
We will have a summer theme next week, our activities will include a seaside, shell pictures and digging in the sand. We will play summer bingo to encourage turn taking. We will read George the Sun Safe Superstar.
Please ensure your child has a change of clothes, we may have more water play if it warms up again.

Mud Kitchen – Can you help?
Do you have any old utensils, pots and pans? Do you have any old cookbooks or example menus?If you would like to clear out your cupboards, please feel free to bring them in … we would like to improve our mud kitchen for the children, they love playing in it but we’re short on resources. Thank you.

Fundraising Update
Watch this space .. we will soon update you on all the amazing monies you’ve been raising. We’ll be able to tell you exactly what you have bought and the exciting plans we have for the Playhouse & the OOSC!