Helpston Preschool Newsletter 10th – 14th June 2024

By June 14, 2024 Uncategorized No Comments

Our adventures at the Playhouse this week…
We didn’t manage to have a fire this week as we have been so busy, we plan to have one next week.
We have planted some new plants, added worms to the composter.
We have created some incredible soups and pies in the mud kitchen.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Things we will be doing next week ….
For the children moving onto Primary school we will be reading and talking about going to school.
We will be creating a wind streamer and baking cakes.
Please remember to put a change of clothes and baby wipes in your child bag, just in case they need changing.

Please could we remind you to close the gate behind you, it is essential that every person is monitored coming into the Playhouse.

We STILL need your Help for Helpstonbury !!
We really need you help …  we would be very grateful if you could help us by bringing in wrapped sweets for our very popular Sweetie Jar Tombola and return it to pre-school by Wednesday 19th June 2024.
We also need items for the ‘adult’ tombola, for example, wine, smellies etc..