Helpston Playhouse OOSC Newsletter

By May 24, 2024 Uncategorized No Comments

April 2024
This month the children have enjoyed being able to play out in the garden area more and have been busy helping plant vegetable seeds, making their own dens and building bridges in construction.
The children have enjoyed Milkshake Wednesdays and Lotus Biscoff and Oreo seem to be the favourite flavours so far.  The children made some lovely little craft strawberry parcels.

May 2024
This month in cookery club the children have been busy making garlic dough balls, raisin rock buns and jam thumbprint cookies.  The kitchen area smelt amazing, and the children enjoyed sampling their cooking.  In craft the children have really enjoyed decorating lots of wooden discs and blocks, there have been some amazing creations, we really have some talented artists!!

Next terms activities…
Monday- Baking
Tuesday- Construction/Woodwork & Gaming
Wednesday – Water fun
Thursday- Crafting & gaming
Friday- Children’s choice