Helpston Playhouse – Weekly Update 1st April 2022

By April 1, 2022 Uncategorized No Comments

Dear Parents / Carers

COVID – If your child or a family member tests positive for COVID via an LFD or PCR, please can you let us know. We are seeing coughs and colds turning positive COVID too; if your child is unwell or showing any signs of a new cough or cold, please be mindful that it could be COVID, test if you wish and keep them at home. Thank you for your help!

Playhouse Activities This Week – The weather has been crazy this week, which the children have loved. This week the remote-control car has been driving around the Playhouse, the children use the control to move the car, it’s been great fun and we have seen lots of concentration. The cress has grown a great deal and more of the children have started theirs this week. With Easter around the corner, we have created our own Easter eggs and wreaths. Today, the children have decorated Easter biscuits.   

Forest School – In Forest School this week we read Peely Wally and talked about Easter. The children told me all about the lovely memories and plans they have for over the Easter holidays. We painted some pretend eggs (stones) mixing colours and making patterns. We went on a Peely Wally egg hunt around the garden. One day we had to rescue them from the snow! The weather changed so much this week, it’s always good to have a coat to keep your child warm at Forest School. The children love to be outside exploring and playing.

Playhouse Activities Next Term –
With Spring upon us we will be looking at the frog and ladybird life cycles. Earth Day is on 22nd April, and we will be looking at caring for our environment, reusing water and recycling. During the last week we will also celebrate the Queens Jubilee!

Drawstring Bags – Just a reminder that your child will need to have a drawstring bag after Easter, no other style bags please. Thank you to everyone who have already changed theirs over, this has already made a massive difference.

Any help? – Please do not hesitate to speak to staff if you have any concerns or would just like a catch up, we are always available.

Quiz Night – The Playhouse Committee are holding a Quiz Night on Saturday 14th May 2022. Please see the attached flyer for more details.

Google Review –
If you could spare a couple of minutes, please could you add a review onto Google for us. Thank you.

Thank you – A HUGE Thank you to Nancy, our volunteer. Although she hasn’t been able to visit for a while, she’s been busy selling jam and has raised an amazing £80.00 for the Playhouse. So far, we have used this money to buy items for our new Shepherds Hut.

Have a lovely Easter and we will see you on Wednesday 20th April!

Kind regards
The Playhouse Team