Helpston Playhouse – Weekly Update 15th February 2019

By February 19, 2019 News No Comments

Dear Parents / Carers

Please find below this week’s Weekly Update!

Letter of the Week – Our chosen letter for our next session is ‘j’!  Please can your child bring in an item which has a ‘j’!

Makaton – This is a language using signs and symbols; we are going to learn ‘drink’:

Playhouse Activities This Week – This week we have baked scones. We’ve made some salt dough currant buns to link in with our nursery rhymes. We’ve done lots of nursery rhyme singing. We’ve also been sewing, shape activities and name recognition.

Playhouse Activities Next Session – After half term we will be looking at Spring. We’ll be doping role play each week and will be starting off with a ‘shop’.   We’ll be making shopping list and we’ll have a walk to the shop. We will be doing some woodwork.

Packed Lunches & the Dangers of Grapes – Please can you take a few minutes to check out the following items concerning the dangers of grapes. This is a very real choking hazard for children. After half term please make sure that if your child has grapes in their packed lunch the grapes are cut in half. If whole grapes are given, these will be removed from your child’s lunch and will be returned to their packed lunch box after your child has finished eating. We really appreciate your help with this. Thank you.

 A few diary dates – Here are a few dates for your diary:
Friday 1st March – World Book Day –
your child can come into the Playhouse dressed as a character from their favourite book.
Friday 15th March – Red Nose Day Bus Party – Your child is welcome to wear red for the day for a £1.00 contribution to this great charity.
Friday 29th March – Easter Service at St Botolph’s Church. Please come along and join us for our Easter Service at the village church. Family and friends are more than welcome, the more the merrier.

Sickness Bugs – Please can we remind everyone to be respectful to all our families and abide by the ‘48 hour rule’ when your child has a sickness bug. If you are really not sure, please keep your child at home. Many thanks.

Thank you – A very big Thank you to everyone who attended the 80’s v 90’s Disco , a whopping £857.77 was raised.  With all the amazing fundraising over the last few months we have reached our target and we can now order a defibrillator. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us & helped us achieve this incredible goal.

Have a lovely half term!

Kind regards
The Playhouse Team